How can I help you?
Individuals & Couples
“Perfect love casts out fear - there is no fear in love” (I John 4 verses 16-18)
My heart is to help people see themselves, others and life through God’s eyes, moving away from focusing on past mistakes or behaviour. The aim is for you to find hope, draw on Father God’s love to conquer long-term fear, anxiety and stress; overcome low self-esteem and step into your true identity in Christ; and work with Holy Spirit to become more confident and free from rejection, building a new life, enjoying peace of mind, contentment and joy.
If you would like to speak with me one-to-one or as a couple, please contact me by email, explaining what it is you would like help with. I prayerfully consider all such requests with Father God. I will get back to you and if we both feel that this is a ‘best fit’, then we can arrange to talk together by Skype or Zoom. The first session is free: subsequent time is normally charged for (by arrangement).
Marian enjoys speaking at conferences and church events and has wide experience of working with groups. She brings life, wisdom, humour, prophetic insight and a powerful sense of God’s presence, which often leads to radical change in people’s lives! Her focus is frequently on Kingdom destiny, inheritance and identity. If you would like her to visit, we’d love to hear from you!