My name is Othieno Noah, Pastor and Director; Christian Revival Ministry Network (CRMNET). I am married to Grace Awor Everline and have three biological children Sarah, Godwin and Lynne. Besides them, I take care of many other vulnerable children and widows.
God called me in 1984 at the age of 13. In 1986, civil war broke out in Uganda that left many people dead, tortured and churches burnt. Pastors fled and many could not endure in the suffering and lost their Faith. I was tortured to death by rebels but God restored my life for a purpose.
On Dec 24 1989 at 12:00 noon, while attending to my uncle’s cows in the bush, I got a strong conviction and had a voice saying, “Noah for how long will you suffer”? I realized God was calling me into full time mission.
I hold a Certificate and Diploma in Christian Ministry and a professional civil engineer with advanced experienced. I have knowledge in computers and have gone through other Administrative refresher courses like psychotherapy that have helped built my capability and ability in Ministry.
I have outstanding experience in serving the church; (the Body of Christ). For over 30 years, I have worked with different ministries and organizations in Kenya and Uganda conducting Gospel Crusades, holding General and Leaders Conferences, Bible Training to pastors and church leaders, Community Outreach and House to house evangelism, well and borehole missions (Sharing the Gospel in places people gather to draw water), Prisons mission and Child Evangelism.
God Has anointed me with a Prophetic Healing Ministry and I have witnessed thousands of people receiving Salvation, healing and their hope restored as I minister God’s anointed word in the power of the Holy Spirit.
It’s incredible.
In 2012 April being bed ridden, I had a more powerful encounter with God. In the vision, I was preaching to a crowd of people of different colors and status
This encounter led to the realization and rebirth of the above ministry.
God bless you!
Othieno Noah
Tororo, Uganda.