I was saved in 1987 during Youth With A Mission outreach in Bangladesh Slums in Mombasa Kenya. I joined Discipleship Training School (YWAM) Mombasa and in 1993 graduated from Victory Bible College Kisumu, a ministry of Victory Churches of Canada. I am A Pastor of Africa Living Word Ministries in Kisumu Kenya and ministering as well to drug addicts, Prisons and running a Children's Home. I and my wife Florence Ouma have been blessed with 6 children and 3 grand children. God has been faithful to us and our ministries.
We are meeting many challenges at the home, ranging from feeding, school fees among many others.
We ask that you pray with us for God's provision and care. We welcome any donation and help towards these children.
Every blessing.
George Ouma Oduor
Kisumu Kenya