I'm Nduwayo James from Rwanda

I am 35 years old, I am married with one Daughter. I am a Pastor.

I went to preach in Burundi, one Christian family welcomed me for lunch.

I saw a woman who was begging a food to eat, she asked to take a plate with her also, I was confused why this woman was not satisfied until she wants to take the plate, the owner of the plot has explained me that in Burundi Abahutu tribe and Abatutsi tribe they don’t share food with Abatwa tribe, he told me that they will never use that plate again for eating because this woman from Abatwa tribe has used it to eat.  This rejection of ABATWA tribe caused me to find a VISION of my ministry. 

I tried to follow this woman until we reached in their village. In their village, I found hundreds of grass houses, in this village none was able to read and to write, none knew to use toilet, I started to teach them using toilet, I started to dig toilets with them for each house, I planted a school to teach them to read and to write, I started to give porridge to little children to avoid malnutrition, I started to join team to make mud bricks house to house to build together good houses for each family. I helped them to have a good standard as other tribes.

AFTER I REALISED THAT SOME PEOPLE DID NOT HEAR ABOUT JESUS BECAUSE OF BEING REJECTED , I decided to plant many churches where people are forgotten.  Now I have planted 2 churches in Burundi, 7 churches in Congo DRC, 3 churches in Rwanda and 1 church in Tanzania.

Can you imagine Christians to have this heart of rejecting other people and they don't even feel any shame? 

It is our duties as the Saints to find the lost for the kingdom of God.

Pastor James

Rwanda - Kigali

Email: ndujame25@gmail.com

Tel: +250784205684