Praise the Lord! It's a great privilege to share my testimony with you my Sister!
Greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! I am Brother Rajababu, living in a village called Lovakothuru, India. I studied B.Tech in electronics and communication engineering. For the last four years I have been ministering for my Lord and Saviour Jesus.
I was saved at the age of 19 years old. I was born and brought up in a poor Christian family. Where we work there is a big Hindu temple. Every Sunday many people go there and worship idols, making sacrifices of goats, sheep and hens and drink alcohol etc.
But My father and I preach the Gospel to reach the unreached. My father was a great servant of God. He served Jesus for 38years and saved many from hell. He baptised more than 200 people. Until his last breath he glorified the name of Jesus wherever he stood and whatever he did. He laid the first foundation of the church in my area, where the evil throne is.
While he was alive, I never supported my father in ministry. I always used to play games like cricket. My father would ask me to sit in the church but sometimes I rejected his call and sometimes I sat in church to please my father. My father was a prayerful man. He always loved to pray for me to know God's direction in my life.
When I was studying in college I participated in a youth meeting. On that day God's word touched my heart. In the altar call I received God's call and this the word revealed to me was Isaiah 45:4: “I have even called thee by thy name."
Romans 3: 23: “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God."
With these verses God talked to me... And I remembered what my father had done.
Sometimes my father was rejected by people and beaten but he never refused them. He always maintained good relationships. At that time I got a doubt - even though people are rejecting, why was my father was not reacting? Then I came to know more about Jesus how he loved people and was rejected by people even though he did great miracles and died for us.
Acts 4:11: “This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner.”
After understanding I decided to follow in my father's vision (it is the vision of God) and fulfilling God's plan in my life.
2 Samuel 22: 22 “For I have kept the ways of the LORD, and have not wickedly departed from my God."
I am carrying this ministry following my father’s death. He shared the gospel to all our villages, walking everywhere on foot. He was a great man of God. Here people worship Idols. But in the name of Jesus, many miracles were done through Him and many accepted Jesus.
In my father’s ministry one great incident was happened in His life time. One day at night while he was preaching the gospel in a street, a man came forcibly and beat my father because he was sharing the gospel at the idol place. After the beating that man lost his hearing. Later he came to my home and asked my mother where pastor was. My mother and father thought they will definitely beat him again but amazingly he asked for a prayer. When my father prayed he was healed and he was a great witness in that village. Many turned to Jesus.
After remembering all the miracles God did through my father, I have decided to work and take Jesus cross of calvary to share the gospel to the unreached people. Mark 16: 15: “And he said unto them, go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature."
My vision is to encourage youth and to start old age home and orphans home and also to help pastors working in remote areas. Psalm 54:4: “Behold, God is mine helper: the Lord is with them that uphold my soul." James 1:27:
”Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world."
Thank you for praying for the fruit of the Ministry.
Kothela Rajababu