This is pastor Edward James: I'm saved by the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. I was a sinner committing sin when I heard the Gospel of our Lord that He saves and heals then fills with Holy spirit. I repented December 1997 after which I heard a call. I started pastorship and evangelism in 2001 up to date. Praise our mighty Lord, as I had given my spiritual testimony as Edward, I have one beloved Beatrice Awino. We've been blessed with four children. All are believers.
The ministry is affiliated because the government still stopped registration. I have planted several running churches that believe in Jesus Christ. The 4 planted churches have members, two are in towns while two are in reserves. We are still developing churches we need much prayer so that we reach even neighbouring countries.
Apart from spiritual we look forward to start other church projects that can generate income to support needy members in our community. This our mission. Thanks.
Pastor Edward James
Senior Pastor