I am Evangelist Rwakilembe Apollo: with my wife Biira Betty, we live in Kasese district western Uganda. After my Bible theological collage I was led with my wife by the spirit of God to establish our ministry called Eden Christian Church Ministries, with a main purpose of preaching the gospel of healing to the nations of the world. This is through making crusades and conferences, planting churches and wining souls to Christ and many abandoned and neglected helpless orphans are touching Jesus through our orphanage project.

This also God led us to establish due to a high rate of orphans and neglected helpless children in our community, our orphanage is Eden Preparatory Orphanage School.

Over 210 helpless orphans and needy children we are providing them free education and any other assistance as God enables us. It's our prayer God to touch his people to stand with us in support of our vision/ ministry as it's still young and growing for the expansion of God's kingdom.

I was ordained and fully commissioned as a minister of God, currently I also pastor of a young and growing church in one of my villages in our community.

God is using us in our ministry through teaching, giving bible study in the word of God to our children during chapel services at our orphanage school. Our children are growing spiritually in God's word and change in behaviour and our community has been impacted by our ministry reaching also their families. We do evangelism to all people home to home, on streets in markets and in hospitals for we have no machines for preaching the gospel and the sick are being healed as we pray and lay hands on them as our team.

And as a centre for Christians meeting with God's word, miracles, signs and wonders are following us wherever we go and take the gospel of the Kingdom of God.

I am praying for God's provision for our ministry since God has us alot to do to reach his people with his word as well as standing with them in their hard time situations. Jesus Christ preaching the gospel as well as puting it in action by meeting people's needs this is my heart desire for it's the true gospel of our lord Jesus Christ, helping the orphans and the window.

Our vision - To preach a complete gospel of Jesus Christ which will care for spiritual, healthy, physical and emotional needs of the people and being a leading educational and sustainable development service provider.

Our mission - To win many souls to Christ and help them acheive the increased house hold incomes that would led to access of social services so that they may prosper in all things, in good health as their souls prospers as they prepare to do what God has called his people to do.

Our goal - To transform communities by empowering vulnerable targeted groups, children and women in churches in development, skills, linking the relevance of the gospel and missions with in the communities of our nation.

I believe God has joined us together at the right time for his divine purpose, this has been my prayer for a long time dear friend. I will be happy to see you visit us here in Kasese, Uganda and see what God is doing. I believe you will also share this testimony to friends there, churches and organisations to touch majority for God's kingdom expansion dear friend.

Thank you,

Evangelist Apollo Rwakilembe